We Design some wallpapers of rath yatra in Hindi & Bengali language. See here for Rath Yatra 2019 Hindi Wallpapers & also See here for Rath Yatra 2019 Bengali Wallpaprs.
About Rath Yatra : Rath Yatra is a festival that involves moving deities Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Sudarshana on a chariot (called a ratha or rotho). In Sanskrit, Ratha means "chariot", and Yatra means "journey"; the festival usually involves an annual procession (journey) of a deity's idols. Other names for the festival include ratha jatra or chariot festival.
[source: wikipedia]Here is the date of Ratha Yatra 2019 :
Name of Festivals | Day | Date of Festivals |
Rath Yatra | Thursday | 4 July 2019 |