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Festivals Date Time welcomes Sponsors and Advertisers to promote on our website. You can start to promote your Business, Products, Website, Apps, Social profile, or anything on our website. We have more than 78% of Indian traffic that can easily promote for Indian people.

Why Promote on Festivals Date Time?

Festivals Date Time website provides information last 6 years and this website has 100% Organic Search Traffic and real users No fake traffic No paid traffic. 

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This is a regularly updated website and its have all years of high traffic because of the content and the most important part is that in the famous festival season the traffic goes double and you know India has many famous festivals around the year.
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We have trusted users from India and other countries. In India, there were lots of festivals and pujas are celebrated every month, that's why our website has regular traffic in the whole year. You can see our last year's (2021) Google Analytics data and you can be sure about the traffic continuities.

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This data verifies the continuities of traffic. Everything is transparent for you and good for making better business for both. 

Now check Ads Placement available for promotion. We provide main pages for showing ads 1. Home page 2. Posts Pages. You can choose as your requirement. You also can promote to our Social channel of Pinterest (See below).

Home Page Advertisement:

Home Page Advertisement

Home Page Advertisement Costs:

728 x 90 – Leaderboard (TOP): Rs. 5000/- per week

728 x 90 – Leaderboard (MIDDLE): Rs. 4000/- per week

728 x 90 – Leaderboard (BOTTOM): Rs. 3000/- per week

300 x 250 – Inline Rectangle (SIDEBAR TOP): Rs. 4000/- per week

160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper (SIDEBAR BOTTOM): Rs. 6000/- per week

Note: Special discount available when booking 1-month /3-months / 6-months or 1-year promotion. Book your ads space before 15 days Festivals season start because it's a high demand on time.

Post Page Advertisement:

Posts Page Advertisement

Post Page Advertisement Costs:

728 x 90 – Leaderboard (TOP): Rs. 8000/- per week

728 x 90 – Leaderboard (BOTTOM): Rs. 5000/- per week

300 x 250 – Inline Rectangle (SIDEBAR TOP): Rs. 5000/- per week

160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper (SIDEBAR BOTTOM): Rs. 8000/- per week

Note: Special discount available when booking 1-month /3-months / 6-months or 1-year promotion. Book your ads space before 15 days Festivals season start because it's a high demand on time.

Pinterest Channel Advertisement:

We also take Sponsors/Promotion/Advertisement for our Social Business page on Pinterest Click Here to see our Page. Here you can see the monthly traffic analytics of our Pinterest Channel.

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Pinterest Promotion Advertisement Costs:

Contact us for a Pinterest Promotion discussion and details.

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For Sponsors/Promotion/Advertisement etc. Email Us: 📧 or Direct Massage us on Facebook Messanger: đŸ’ŦChat with us 

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