Vamana Jayanti is celebrated on the Dwadashi date of Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada. t is also called Vamana Dwadashi because of celebrating Dwadashi Tithi. Vamana is the fifth avatar of Hindu god Vishnu. On this day devotees worship Shri Hari early in the morning with proper rituals. On the sacred day of Vamana Jayanti, the most ideal way to initiate the rituals is by donating curd, rice, and food to the Brahmins as it is regarded as highly auspicious on the day of Vamana Jayanti.
Vamana Jayanti 2021 Date :
Name of festival | Day | Date of festival |
Vamana Jayanti | Friday | 17 September 2021 |
Vamana Jayanti's Time :
Dwadashi Tithi starts : 08:05 - 17 September 2021
Dwadashi Tithi Ends : 06:55 - 18 September 2021
Devotees should make idol of Lord Vamana and worship him with proper rituals.