Dahi Handi is an Indian festival. Dahi Handi is one of the festive events and a team sport during the Hindu festival Gokulashtami, which is also known as Krishna Janmashtami and celebrates the birth of Krishna. Dahihandi is a festival celebrated on the second day of Krishna Janmashtami. Dahi Handi is celebrated every August/September, the day after Krishna Janmashtami.
Dahi Handi 2023 Date :
Name of festival | Day | Date of festival |
Dahi Handi | Thursday | 7 September 2023 |
Dahi Handi's Time :
Ashtami Tithi starts : 15:35 - 6 September 2023
Ashtami Tithi Ends : 16:15 - 7 September 2023
The participants of this festival are called Govinda. Dahi-Handi is most famous in Maharashtra, India.