The birth anniversary of Lord Balarama is observed as Balarama Jayanti. The Shashti of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month is celebrated all over the country as Balaram Jayanti. It is observed on Shravan Purnima in many parts of the country and on Akshaya Tritiya day in other regions of India. This festival is also known as Halshathi and Harchahat.
Balarama Jayanti 2020 Date :
Name of festival | Day | Date of festival |
Balarama Jayanti | Sunday | 9 August 2020 |
Balarama Jayanti's Time :
Shashthi Tithi starts : 04:15 - 9 August 2020
Shashthi Tithi Ends : 06:40 - 10 August 2020
The devotees prepare special meals and ‘bhog’ which is offered to the deity and then distributed among all the family, friends and neighbors in the form of sacred food. The temples in Ganjam, Punjab, and Puri are famous for the Balaram Jayanti celebration.