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2023 Chaitra Navratri Puja Vidhi and Vrat Katha - Chaitra Navratri 2023

If anyone chants the name of Goddess Bhagwati with true reverence for a few moments, then she is happy. But the worship of the mother has a particular significance in Navratri. There are four Navratras in a year. It consists of two Navratri Guptas and the other two include Vasantik (Chaitra) and Shardiya Navratra. There is a special method of worship in this. In both these Navratras, if Goddess Durga is worshiped by the method mentioned in the scriptures for 9 days, then all the wishes desired are fulfilled. Let us know what's the worship methodology of Navratri and which story gives special grace to the mother.
Chaitra Navratri Puja Vidhi and Chaitra Navratri Vrat Katha
The Navratri festival of Chaitra month has started in March. This festival will run till April Ram Navami. In Hinduism, Navaratri, which falls in Chaitra month, is examined to be of great importance. During Navratri, nine types of Maa Durga - Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Devi Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri are worshiped.

In the Navratras, the devotees of Mata try to please the nine types of Mata Durga by worshiping them for the whole nine days. It is imagined that all the wishes of those devotees who worship the mother with a true heart in Navratri are fulfilled. Ghat Sthapna is started on the first day of Navratri.

Most people observe fast every day of Navratri. For this, it is supreme to have patience within the seeker. There are some rules and rules of the fast, which are mandatory for the fast.

What is the importance of lighting a monolithic light in Chaitra Navratri?

During Navratri, we worship Mother Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Mahagauri, Siddhidatri, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri Devi. Also, some precautions should be taken during Navratri. At the same time, in Navratri, unbroken flame is lit with native ghee of the cow to please the Goddess for nine days and to get the desired fruit. But if cow's ghee is not there, then other ghee, you can light an unbroken flame in front of the mother. Deepak has special significance during worship in Hinduism. No worship can be complete without lighting a lamp. It is imagined that lighting a lamp in worship signifies devotion and reverence.

Kalash Sthapana Vidhi

  • On the first day of Navratri, take a bath and clean the temple and put a mother's post. 
  • Burn the unbroken flame in the name of Maa Durga, it depends on your wish. 
  • Now take a pot of clay and add barley to it. If you want, you can also use utensils instead of earthenware. Barley is kept for nine days and little water is sprinkled in it daily. 
  • Now take a vase, tie Molly on it and make a swastika mark. 
  • Put a few drops of Gangajal inside the lotte and put dab, whole betel nut, Akshat, and a quarter rupee in it. 
  • Now put 5 leaves of mango or Ashoka on the lotus and wrap the coconut in red chunari and place it on the urn. 
  • Now put this urn in the center of the barley vessel and resolve to fast in front of the mother.

Chaitra Navratri Puja Vidhi: Method of Worship

  • On this day, get up early within the morning and take a bath and put on clear garments. 
  • After this, clean the house temple. 
  • Then put a clean and clean post. Purify it by spraying Ganga water on it. 
  • Place a pot near the outpost and spread the soil and sow the sorghum. 
  • Now install the idol of Goddess Durga near the outpost and apply Tilak to Durga. 
  • Apply tilak on coconut as well. Offer a garland of flowers to Maa Durga. 
  • Then prepare for the establishment of the urn, for which first of all make a swastika. 
  • Put water, akshat, betel nut, role, and coins in the urn and then wrap a red-colored pickle over it.

Chaitra Navratri Vrat Katha: Story of Chaitra Navratri

Brahma Ji says that in olden times there was a Brahmin in Manohar Nagar named Peethat. He was a singular devotee of Goddess Bhavani. His daughter was Sumati. Who was present within the day-to-day worship with the father. But someday she was busy enjoying with the kids and there the Brahmin worship was finished. He was extremely offended when Sumati didn't attain the puja. He mentioned that you've dedicated the crime by not attending the worship of Sumati Matarani. There is no apology for this. He said that now he will marry a leper and poor man only.

Sumati was very upset to hear such things from her father's mouth. He told his father that whatever you think is appropriate. Because whoever is in my destiny can erase it? But I trust to fate that he will not do such a big injustice to me. She says that whatever father does, he gets the same result. The Brahmin gods became very angry upon hearing this. She stated that okay now watch your destiny along with your husband sumati was drastically damage by the father's bitter words.  But she had great religion in goddess Bhagwati.

Seeing this case of sumati goddess Bhavani felt pity she appeared and informed sumati that I am pleased with you daughter to say no matter is in your heart ask for a boon no matter what you want. Sumati bowed and requested, "Devi, who are you?" Why are you pleased with me Please say please. Goddess Bhagwati stated, I'm Adishakti. I'm theology and Saraswati. When I'm completely happy, I take away the sorrow of all beings. Mother Goddess stated that I am very satisfied with the effects of your former birth.

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