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2024 Gayatri Jayanti Puja Vidhi and Vrat Katha - Gayatri Jayanti 2023

Gayatri Jayanti Puja Vidhi and Gayatri Jayanti Vrat Katha
Gayatri Jayanti is celebrated on the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha in Jyestha month. Somewhere this jubilee is celebrated on the tenth day of Jyeshtha Shukla Paksha and elsewhere it is a tradition to celebrate Ekadashi Tithi. In many places, it is celebrated on the full moon day of Shravan month. Gayatri Jayanti is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Gayatri Devi.

Who is Mother Gayatri?

The four Vedas, Shastras, and Shrutis are all believed to have originated from Gayatri. Due to the origin of the Vedas, they are called Vedanta, they are also considered as adorable to Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, the three deities, hence they are also called Devamata. It is believed that the Goddess of all knowledge is also Gayatri, for this reason, the Ganges of Knowledge is also called Gayatri. She is also considered the second wife of Lord Brahma. Gayatri is also called the incarnation of Maa Parvati, Saraswati, Lakshmi. According to the scriptures, mother Gayatri is known as Veda Mata.

The Vedas originated from them. The Gayatri mantra itself has the essence of the four Vedas. Therefore, do chanting of Gayatri Mantra on Gayatri Jayanti. According to the scriptures, the Gayatri Mantra was manifested in the mouth of Brahma at the beginning of creation. By the grace of Gayatri, Brahma Ji interpreted the Gayatri mantra as 4 Vedas together with his 4 faces. Initially, the glory of mother Gayatri was only up to the deities, but Maharishi Vishwamitra did the austerity and brought the glory of mother i.e. Gayatri Mantra to the people.

How and with whom did Gayatri get married?

It is said that once Lord Brahma was going to join the yajna. It is believed that if the wife is within religious work, then she definitely gets the fruit but at that time, for some reason, his wife Savitri was not present with Brahma Ji. After {that a} particular class began worshiping Goddess Gayatri

How did Gayatri's descent?

It is believed that the Gayatri Mantra appeared on Brahma Ji at the beginning of the universe. By the grace of Mother Gayatri, Brahma Ji explained the Gayatri Mantra as 4 Vedas with his 4 faces. Initially, Gayatri was limited to the gods only, but just as Bhagiratha brought Ganga Maiya from heaven to the earth with severe penance, in the same way, Vishwamitra also did hard meditation and reached the glory of mother Gayatri.

When is Gayatri Jayanti celebrated?

Different opinions emerge regarding the date of Gayatri Jayanti. In some places, the date of Ganga Dussehra and Gayatri Jayanti is said to be the same, while some celebrate it on the next day i.e. from the Ganges Dussehra i.e. Ekadashi of Jyeshtha month. On the other hand, Shravan Purnima is also celebrated to celebrate the Gayatri Jayanti. Gayatri Jayanti is accepted in most places on the day of Shravan Purnima. But Ganga Dussehra is celebrated more on Shukla Dashami than in most months while Gayatri Jayanti is not celebrated in more months.

Glory of Gayatri

Glory of Gayatri many issues have been mentioned within the glory of Gayatri from sages of historic India to thinkers of recent India Vedas scriptures and Puranas sing the glory of Gayatri maa.
In the Atharvaveda mother. Gayatri has been known as the goddess who imparts age life energy fame wealth and Brahma Teja.

Ved Vyas, the author of Mahabharata, says in the glory of Gayatri, as honey in flowers, ghee in milk is in essence, similarly, the essence of all Vedas is Gayatri. If Gayatri is proved then it is similar to Kamadhenu (divine cow who fulfills desire). Just as Ganga washes away the sins of the body, cleanses the mind and body, similarly, the soul becomes pure from the Ganges-like Brahma Ganga.
Vishwamitra, who takes Gayatri to the general public, says that Brahma Ji has extracted the essence of the three Vedas, the three-phase Gayatri Mantra. There is no more sacred mantra than Gayatri. A person who chants Gayatri regularly is freed from sins in the same way as a snake when released from the earthworm.

Gayatri Jayanti Puja Vidhi: Method of Worship

• Get up early in the morning and take a bath in the holy river, after bathing in the holy river, if this is not possible, then take Ganga water in the bathwater at home and take a bath.
• Take a vow to fast and worship mother Gayatri after bathing.
• After installing the idol or picture of mother Gayatri, worship it with complete law and legislation
• Recite Gayatri Mantra, Gayatri Aarti, and Gayatri Chalisa.
• Havan by chanting Gayatri Mantra.
• Keep fasting fast, do not consume food.
• Donate grain, good and wheat.
• Take blessings from parents, gurus, and your elders, do not use harsh words from anyone and say the truth, do not be angry.
• On the day of Gayatri Jayanti, make people drink cold water, get it stocked, provide food to cow mother, keep the water filled in the vessel for birds.
• Donate religious books and Chanting of the Sun's Beej Mantra will give you prestige.
• Sun is the causative planet of the father, so touch the feet of the father and seek his blessings.
• Lord Krishna has called himself Gayatri in mantras in the Gita, so this Jayanti provides a great opportunity to attain virtue.

Gayatri Jayanti Vrat Katha: Story of Gayatri Jayanti

Gayatri Jayanti is the birth anniversary of mother Gayatri Devi. According to religious belief, Mother Gayatri was born on this day. In the scriptures, mother Gayatri is known as Veda Mata. The Vedas originate from the mother Gayatri itself. The Gayatri mantra itself has the essence of the four Vedas. According to religious belief, the Gayatri mantra alone has knowledge of the four Vedas. On Gayatri Jayanti, do chanting of mother Gayatri.

According to the scriptures, the Gayatri Mantra was manifested in the mouth of Brahma at the beginning of creation. By the grace of mom, Gayatri Brahma Ji interpreted the Gayatri mantra as 4 Vedas together with his 4 faces. Initially, the glory of mother Gayatri was limited only to the deities, but Maharishi Vishwamitra did the austerity and brought the glory of mother i.e. Gayatri Mantra to the people.

According to a passage, Brahmaji once performed a yajna. According to tradition, in the yagna, Brahma was supposed to perform the yagna with his wife, but for some reason, the wife of Brahma Ji Savitri was late in coming. As the time of yagna was getting out, Brahma Ji got married to the goddess Gayatri present there and started the yagna by giving him the place of his wife.

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