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Chandra Darshan 2024 - Know Rituals & Significance

What is Chandra darshan?

In memory of Chandra Dev, Chandra Darshan is celebrated. In Hindu beliefs, this day holds religious significance. Devotees worship and fast to Lord Chandra on this day and do special worship to the Chandra deity. It is considered very fortunate and prosperous to see the moon on this special day.

What are the rituals of Chandra darshan?

  • It is a belief that individuals who follow each and every ritual reverently and religiously, and that they worship the
  • Moon God on the eve of Chandra darshan, receive immense prosperity as well as eternal good fortune.
  • On this special day, Hindus worship the Moon God and seek his blessings.
  • Donating is an important ritual and an integral aspect of the Chandra Darshan Festival. People usually donate sugar, rice and clothes to Brahmins on this day.
  • Many rituals are performed on this day such as women fasting for the long life of their husbands as well as the eradication of various obstacles from married life.
  • There is also a fast which is kept by devotees to please Chandra Dev on this special day.
  • Devotees refrain from eating food throughout the day. The fast is concluded after seeing the moon and the devotees offer their prayers.

What is the significance of Chandra Darshan?

In Hindu belief, the Hindu God of the Moon or Chandra Dev is recognized as one of the highly regarded deities.

  • On the day of Chandra darshan, devotees meditate on the banks of the Ganges for their spiritual development.
  • People practice the full moon to get better results.
  • Fasting on the day of Chandra Darshan helps in balancing the elements of carp, bile and vata in the human body which helps in curing all diseases and promoting good health.
  • Chandra darshan occurs every month and people worship and keep fast on this day to achieve success, good luck and health.
  • Worshiping the Moon God and fasting on this day helps to cleanse the person’s mind from all negative thoughts and bad intentions. The fast is followed by the chanting of sacred and powerful Chandra mantras.

Astrological Significance

  • Moon god or Chandra god is considered to be the nutrient of life of plants and animals.
  • One of the most important aspects of this day is that people worship their ancestors (Pitru Pooja) on this day. Many people worship their ancestors and ask for their blessings.
  • Of all the Navagrahas, the Moon is considered to be the most powerful and has a profound impact on human life.
  • It is also considered to be an important home that affects life on earth to a large extent.
  • Moon is associated with good intentions, purity as well as knowledge and is considered one of the most favorable planets.
  • There is a belief in Hindu mythology that it gives great prosperity and success to the natives when the Moon is in a favorable place in their birth chart.

The time immediately after sunset is considered to be the most favorable time to see the moon or to see the moon. It is said that all the rituals bring prosperity and happiness as it is believed that when the deity is pleased then the devotee gets success and good luck.

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