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Chopda Pujan 2024 - Know Significance & Importance

In the family of many traders, the real celebration of Diwali is not at home but in the shop or office. The women and boys of the house, who do not go to the firm once a year, go out for book-worship during the day. They are dressed in new clothes and ornaments, sprinkle perfume, and attend the book-worship on time.

This day is of great importance to the traders as it is a festival for them to clean up old and new accounts. On the last day of Vikram Samvat year, Diwali, the busniessman worships the book used for the new year and writes the accounts of the new year only after putting the date in the auspicious quadrant on the day of the sitting year.

Nowadays, many genuine Gujarati firms have adopted a modern accounting system (double-entry bookkeeping). They rely more on computerized accounting systems than on accounting. However, the practice of Chopda Pujan has become so ingrained that the trader does not forget to worship Chopda on the day of Diwali. Many businessmen even worship books as well as computers.

The businessman celebrates the book-worship with fanfare by inviting relatives. The new young businessman, who sits at tables and chairs all year round in Abdul Rahman Street, also puts up cushions during the day and wears silk embroidered hats.

Importance of Chopda Pujan

On this day, businessmen worship their ledger and from this day start writing their new accounts in new books.
Chopda Pujan is performed not only in account books but also in spiritual books .

During the Chopda Pujan ceremony, new account books and new business transactions are written, followed by a special prayer in front of the idols of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi to seek their blessings. Therefore, all previous commercial ledgers are closed and presented to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha.


On the occasion of worshiping this book, the monk of Kumkum temple Premvatsaldasji said that due to the current Korona virus, it is advisable for all of us to worship this book online. Saints from temples should join in the online worship. According to today’s age, even if a laptop is worshiped along with a book, the same fruit is obtained. It is an equal honor to write an account in a book or an account in a laptop. The main thing is that if we take stock of God, we will be financially happy.

In our India, Chopda Pujan is performed on the day of Diwali. Saraswati – Lakshmi Devi – Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan is worshiped. Goddess Saraswati gives the light of knowledge. Infuses sacraments and character in human beings. In Chopda Pujan, it is a tradition to write a book with a pomegranate pen dipped in kanku, saffron, musk, turmeric etc.

In the new year, for the rise of morality, honesty, religion, knowledge, asceticism, devotion, Swaminarayan worships, adores, worships God. Man calculates how much profit and loss he has made during the year. Today we should give an account of how much service has been rendered to the country and society. One should be committed to do more service day by day. Such a message is received from Chopda Pujan.

Books have been worshiped by Kumkum temple for 3 years. On this occasion, Sadguru Shastri Shri Anandpriyadasji Swami prayed at the feet of Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan that everyone would have success in business. Hundreds are happy financially and physically. The economic downturn of the people of India is over. God bless the gold.

Businessman worships the book

In the family of many traders, the real celebration of Diwali is not at home but in the shop or office. The women and boys of the house, who do not go to the firm once a year, go out for book-worship during the day. They are dressed in new clothes and ornaments, sprinkle perfume and attend the book-worship on time. This day is of great importance to the traders as it is a festival for them to clean up old and new accounts.

On the last day of Vikram Samvat year, Diwali, the businessman worships the book used for the new year and writes the accounts of the new year only after putting the date in the auspicious quadrant on the day of the sitting year.

Nowadays, many genuine Gujarati firms have adopted a modern accounting system (double-entry bookkeeping). They rely more on computerized accounting systems than on accounting. However, the practice of Chopda Pujan has become so ingrained that the trader does not forget to worship Chopda on the day of Diwali. Many businessman even worship books as well as computers.

The businessmen celebrate the book-worship with fanfare by inviting relatives. The new young businessman, who sit at tables and chairs all year round in Abdul Rahman Street, also put up cushions during the day and wear silk embroidered hats.

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