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Balaram Jayanti 2024 - Importance, Puja Vidhi & Story

Balaram Jayanti is celebrated in different parts of India in different ways and traditions. This festival is celebrated in the joy of the birth of Lord Balarama. Balarama was the elder brother of Lord Krishna. In some parts of the country, this festival is celebrated on the day of Akshaya Tritiya and in some parts on the day of Shravan Purnima. At the same time, some devotees celebrate Balaram Jayanti according to the Gregorian calendar in the month of Vaishakh i.e. May and April.

In the northern states of the country, the festival of Balaram Jayanti is also popular as Lalhi Chauth or Shashthi. This day is also called Randhan Chhath or Baldev Chhath in Gujarat. Old and young Vaishnavites, women and men celebrate this day with great enthusiasm and pomp. On this auspicious occasion, devotees organize Balram Jayanti Puja. On the day of Balaram Jayanti, auspicious time is worshiped.

Importance of Balaram Jayanti

Balaram Jayanti is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Balarama Ji, elder brother of Lord Shri Krishna. According to the scriptures, Balarama is the incarnation of Sheshnag. Who was born as the elder brother of Lord Shri Krishna in Dwapar Yuga. This day is also known as Halasthi and Harchahat.

Balaram Ji has adopted the plow as his own and for that reason he has a name called Haladhar. Apart from this, he has also held a pestle. Consumption of milk and curd is considered taboo on Balaram Jayanti. On this day only food produced from the earth is taken. This day is also considered very good for getting children.

Balaram Jayanti worship method

  • On this day, Sadhak must clean his teeth with the mahua’s tooth before taking bath and only after that he should take bath.
  •  It is considered very auspicious to cover the entire house with buffalo dung on the day of Balaram Jayanti.
  •  Lord Ganesha and Mata Gauri are duly worshiped on this day.
  •  After worshiping Lord Ganesha and Mata Gauri, the women plant strawberry, palash and kansi trees on the banks of the pond.
  •  Finally, the women listen to the story of Balarama Jayanti and perform the aarti of Lord Ganesha and Mata Gauri.

Story of Balaram Jayanti

According to the story of Balaram Jayanti, a Gwaleen woman who was pregnant was left with little time in her delivery. But she did not care about her condition and went to sell milk and curd. Only after going away, the pain of her delivery started.

That woman gave birth to a child in a strawberry grove. That day was Hal Shashthi. Gwalani took some rest and she went ahead, but her fast was broken by fasting of Shashthi. Seeing his child, he remembered his sin. He immediately went and told the whole thing to the people and also told about the condition of his child. When he apologized in this way, all the villagers forgave him. When Gwalin came back to the same place, his child was alive and playing.

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